Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

English Language and Literature

News from the Department

Subjectivités dans Turquie contemporaine : Formes, Tendances, Expériences
Kitap kapağı
Sexual violence from a (social) psychological perspective: Causes, consequences, rape myths, and interventions
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Matematik Bölüm Başkanı Dr. Leyla Işık Lavrauw Combinatorics, Geometry and Number Theory Çalıştayında Konuşma Gerçekleştirdi
alternatif ekonomi
rita krespi
Dr. Feyzi ÇİMEN and Dr. Mehmet Ali GÜNDOĞDU at INCSOS 5th International Social Sciences Symposium.
alev erkilet, panel, islamofobi
Uzbekistan Emir Timur Congress
Neverending Mourning: Karbala
Merhabâ to Dîvân Poetry
The head of the department Feyzi ÇİMEN's book "A’mâk-ı Hayal" was published.
The Language of God: Bâleybelen
Turkology with its Past and Future
Timur and Yıldırım in the Context of the Ankara War
Everyday Life in Istanbul in the Light of Ottoman Poetry
You Can Know Writing But Can You Write
Social Sciences Congress at the University of Jerusalem
We celebrated the 54th Library Week with the Istinye-Author Meeting
Şarkî Journal of Literature and Art