From an academic staff of Turkish Language and Literature Department, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Atilla ŞENTÜRK's the 4th volume of book titled "Osmanlı Şiiri Kılavuzu", of which Res. Assist. Seda Kurt is among its correctors, has been published by DBY Publications.
From the academic staff of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Res. Assist. Dr. Seda Kurt's the book version of the doctoral thesis titled "Türk Edebiyatında Makâmât-ı Harîrî ve Manastırlı Dâniş Ahmed Efendi’nin Makâmât-ı Edebiyye-i Harîriyye Şerhi", which she prepared under the supervision of Ali Emre Özyıldırım, was published by DBY Publications with the name of "Makâmât-ı Harîrî Şerhi: Makâmât-ı Edebiyye-i Harîriyye Şerhi Melâhât-i Dânişiyye".
Res. Assist. Dr. Seda Kurt and Dr. Ali Emre Özyıldırım's article titled "Translations of Makâmât-ı Harîrî in Periodical Publications ", was published in the 27th issue of the Journal of Divan Literature Studies. You can reach the full text of the article at the link given:
ERASMUS+ KA2 Strategic Cooperation in Higher Education Project: EDUSIGN & SIGNEDU was awarded the second highest score among 122 projects evaluated by the ERASMUS+ Program of the European Union and thus is to be supported by the ERASMUS+ Program.
The doctoral thesis research project proposal of Deniz Özen, who is a Research Assistant at the Department of Philosophy in Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Istinye University, has been entitled to be supported within the scope of 2214-A International Research Fellowship Programme for PhD Students by TUBITAK Scientist Support Department (BİDEB).
Dr. Tolga Kobaş gave a conference titled "Competency, Merit, Loyalty: The Role and Importance of Enderûn-ı Hümâyûn in the Ottoman Empire" on 14 December 2021 at the ISU Congress Center. The conference prepared by Kobaş based on the thesis he completed at Columbia University was organized by the Department of Sociology.
In the first session of our talk series titled "What if I graduate from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences?", we hosted psychologist and writer Emrah Yolaç.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ekrem Saltık's article "About the ‘Unknown’ Biography of Sebîlürreşâd’s Indian Correspondent S. M. Tawfiq" has been published in Bilig Journal of Social Sciences of the Turkish World
Istinye University Department of Turkish Language and Literature lecturer Dr. Feyzi ÇİMEN participated in the international symposium titled “Uzbek Language Progress and Halkara Hamkarlık Matter” held in Tashkent on October 29, 2019 with a paper titled “An Evaluation on Some False Equivalent Words Between Uzbek and Turkish”