Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Regardless of the advancements achieved in science and technology, their potential remains incomplete if the corresponding studies concerning individuals and society, who both produce and determine their utilization, do not progress equivalently. Therefore, comprehending human behavior and societal dynamics stands as a paramount endeavor in both contemporary and future contexts. As theoretical and empirical knowledge addressing the multifaceted aspects of humanity and society evolves and matures, these profound concepts become illuminated, igniting significant advancements.

In our academic programs spanning Philosophy, English Language and Literature, English Translation and Interpretation, Psychology, Sociology, and Turkish Language and Literature, we integrate contemporary methodologies with artificial intelligence. Our aim is not merely to prepare graduates for present circumstances, but to equip them for the demands of the future. We envision our students as individuals capable of continuously enhancing their field-specific expertise through relentless inquiry, demonstrating qualities of inquiry, entrepreneurship, and refined social acumen. Through a comprehensive and enriched curriculum, we foster an environment that facilitates holistic student development, instilling fundamental universal values and nurturing an unbiased, respectful, communicative, and scientifically guided ethos, underpinned by a sense of social responsibility.

Our faculty endeavors to cultivate individuals who excel in their respective fields, equipped with the ability to perpetually update their academic and specialized knowledge, engage in research, demonstrate entrepreneurial spirit, and exhibit strong social competencies. This mission is deeply ingrained within our academic staff.

The curricula at our institution are meticulously crafted in response to the needs of our stakeholders and students alike. In addition to theoretical instruction, our undergraduate programs include practical and laboratory components to ensure a robust integration of theory and application. Our commitment to providing international opportunities, such as academic and cultural collaborations abroad, participation in the Bologna process, and engagement in ERASMUS programs, enables our students to access cutting-edge scientific knowledge.

Our faculty's undergraduate courses are delivered by academics actively involved in various national and international projects, particularly within the frameworks of TÜBİTAK and the European Union. These faculty members, esteemed for their contributions to national and international academic discourse through their scientific research and publications, constitute invaluable assets to our institution.

In order to cultivate academically proficient and industry-respected individuals, we supplement theoretical and applied courses with a plethora of sociocultural and scientific activities on our campus. Conferences, seminars, and panels regularly hosted at our institution ensure that our students remain abreast of current extracurricular developments and engage with contemporary information beyond the confines of their coursework.