Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Timur and Yıldırım in the Context of the Ankara War

The seminar titled "Who Was Right: Timur or Yildirim?" organized by the Department of Turkish Language and Literature took place at the university with the participation of Prof. Dr. Hayrunnisa ALAN.

The seminar started with the opening of the photo exhibition prepared by our rector Prof.Dr.Melih BULU and continued with an overview of the relationship between the Ottoman Empire and Timur. Prof. Dr. Hayrunnisa ALAN, who explained the process and expeditions of Timur in detail, also mentioned the photographs taken within the scope of the project realized in Samarkand and Tashkent. Prof. Dr. Hayrunnisa ALAN, who continued his speech by evaluating the Ankara War in the context of Yıldırım Bayezid and Timur, emphasized the importance of being objective in the narrative of history with the words: "The historian is not a judge. On the contrary, I am more like an agent." After the Uzbek rice prepared in the kitchen of our university was served to the participants, the seminar ended.