The seventh session of the "Divan Sohbetleri" series, organized monthly with Prof. Dr. Ahmet Atillâ ŞENTÜRK at the Rami Library, was held with the topic "Nâilî-i Kadîm and the Sebk-i Hindî."

The "Divan Sohbetleri" series, held monthly with Professor Dr. Ahmet Atillâ ŞENTÜRK, a faculty member of the Turkish Language and Literature Department, continues at the Rami Library. The topic of the conversation to be held on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, is "Nâilî-i Kadîm and Sebk-i Hindî"
Reservations should be made through the Rami Library's website: https://ramikutuphanesi.gov.tr/tr/etkinlikler/tum-etkinlikler/7ce85865-5f6b-4778-803d-9cbe8b2b1115
Reservations should be made through the Rami Library's website: https://ramikutuphanesi.gov.tr/tr/etkinlikler/tum-etkinlikler/7ce85865-5f6b-4778-803d-9cbe8b2b1115

The annual Topkapı Palace tour organized by the Department of Turkish Language and Literature took place on November 15, 2023, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ahmet Atillâ ŞENTÜRK.

The Topkapi Palace tour, organized annually under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ahmet Atillâ ŞENTÜRK, a faculty member of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature, will be held this year on November 15, 2023

Dr. Seda Kurt, a member of the academic staff in the Department of Turkish Language and Literature at İstinye University, has been awarded support for post-doctoral research project by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) within the scope of the 2219-International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program for Turkish Citizens. Over a period of 6 months, she will be conducting research as a scholar at Ruhr Bochum University, with Professor Dr. Hülya Çelik serving as her project advisor.

The project titled "Adaptation of the Recipes in Ali Eşref Dede's Food Treatise", of which our undergraduate student Dilan Durmuş from the Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is among the scholarship holders, was entitled to support within the scope of TÜBİTAK 2209-A - University Students Research Projects Support Program.

Res. Assist. Dr. Seda Kurt's book review was published in Journal of Academic Language and Literature. You can reach the full text of the book review from the link given: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/2768788

Prof. Ahmet Atillâ Şentürk's new article titled "Galata, Üsküdar and Bosporus Coasts In the Light of Verse Texts" was published in the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies. You can reach the full text of the article at the link given: https://tkidergisi.com/tki-dergisi/manzum-metinler-isiginda-galata-uskudar-ve-bogazici-sahilleri-i

Res. Assist. Dr. Seda Kurt's new article titled "The Unearthed Zeyl-i Siyer-i Veysî of Bosnian Sâmi‘î Abdülkerîm " was published in the 28th issue of the Journal of Divan Literature Studies. You can reach the full text of article at the link given: You can reach the full text of article at the link given: https://www.devdergisi.com/

Res. Assist. Dr. Seda Kurt's article titled "Mahmûd Bedreddîn of the Sheikhs of Ushshakiyya and His Poems" was published in the Zemin Literature Language and Cultural Studies. You can reach the full text of the article at the link given: http://zemindergi.com/

Head of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Dr. Feyzi Çimen's book "Mirza Meryemhan Dîvânı" was published by DBY Publications.

Head of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Dr. Feyzi Çimen's book "Molla Muhammed Timur Âsârü'l-İmâmiyye Çağatayca Kelile ve Dimne Tercümesi" was published by DBY Publications. The book has the distinction of being the first scientific publication of "Kelile and Dimna".

Organized by the Department of Turkish Language and Literature every year since 2018, the event "Practical Lesson at Topkapı Palace" took place on Wednesday, May 11, under the guidance of Ahmet Atilla ŞENTÜRK.

Turkish Language and Literature Department Lecturer Prof. Dr. Ahmet Atilla Şentürk attended as a speaker program of "Vefâtının 60. Yılında Tâhirü'l-Mevlevî" organized by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Directorate of Culture.

From an academic staff of Turkish Language and Literature Department, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Atilla ŞENTÜRK was the guest of Ahmet Murat Özel in "Edebiyat Söyleşileri" program broadcast on TRT 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sdf0G_B2pyA

From an academic staff of Turkish Language and Literature Department, Res. Assist. Seda Kurt's "Yavuz Sultan Selîm Dîvânı Şerhi Dest-âvîz-i Dâniş" was published by DBY Publication.

From an academic staff of Turkish Language and Literature Department, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Atilla ŞENTÜRK's the 4th volume of book titled "Osmanlı Şiiri Kılavuzu", of which Res. Assist. Seda Kurt is among its correctors, has been published by DBY Publications.

From the academic staff of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Res. Assist. Dr. Seda Kurt's the book version of the doctoral thesis titled "Türk Edebiyatında Makâmât-ı Harîrî ve Manastırlı Dâniş Ahmed Efendi’nin Makâmât-ı Edebiyye-i Harîriyye Şerhi", which she prepared under the supervision of Ali Emre Özyıldırım, was published by DBY Publications with the name of "Makâmât-ı Harîrî Şerhi: Makâmât-ı Edebiyye-i Harîriyye Şerhi Melâhât-i Dânişiyye". https://www.dby.com.tr/makamat-i-hariri-serhi

Res. Assist. Dr. Seda Kurt and Dr. Ali Emre Özyıldırım's article titled "Translations of Makâmât-ı Harîrî in Periodical Publications ", was published in the 27th issue of the Journal of Divan Literature Studies. You can reach the full text of the article at the link given: http://www.devdergisi.com/Makaleler/1081648817_Seda%20Kurt-Ali%20Emre%20%c3%96zy%c4%b1ld%c4%b1r%c4%b1m.pdf

The fifth volume of Prof. Dr. Ahmet Atilla Şentürk's "Osmanlı Şiiri Kılavuzu", one volume of which is published every year, has been published.

Istinye University Department of Turkish Language and Literature lecturer Dr. Feyzi ÇİMEN participated in the international symposium titled “Uzbek Language Progress and Halkara Hamkarlık Matter” held in Tashkent on October 29, 2019 with a paper titled “An Evaluation on Some False Equivalent Words Between Uzbek and Turkish”

Istinye University Department of Turkish Language and Literature lecturers Dr. Feyzi Cimen and Dr. Mehmet Ali Gündoğdu participated in INCSOS 5th International Social Sciences Symposium with one paper each.

The head of the department, Dr. Feyzi ÇİMEN, was invited to the International Emir Timur Foundation on September 13-14, 2017 in Tashkent,

The seminar titled "Neverending Mourning: Muharram and Karbala in Turkish Literature" organized by Istinye University Department of Turkish Language and Literature

The seminar entitled "Merhabâ to Dîvân Poetry" organized by Istinye University Department of Turkish Language and Literature took place on 25 October Wednesday at Topkapı Campus with the participation of Prof.Dr.Mine MENGİ

A’mâk-ı Hayal, Hazırlayan Feyzi ÇİMEN, Editör:Naime Erkovan, Basım sayısı:100, Sayfa Sayısı 221, ISBN:978-605-2021-16-3.

The seminar titled "The Language of God: Bâleybelen" organized by the Department of Turkish Language and Literature of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of İstinye University

Istanbul University Faculty of Letters Head of the Department of Old Turkish Language Prof. Dr. Fikret Turan evaluated the past, current position and possible future developments of the Turkish language in the seminar titled "Turkology's Past, Present, Tomorrow".