Sociology graduates Sena Şevval Özbıyık, Özlem Sarpkaya, Esen Deniz Sayıklı, and Derya Özgör, under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr. Hasan Gürkan, have prepared an academic article titled "Exploring Gender and Homicide: Insights from Turkish Media Professionals of Different Generations." This article has been accepted for publication in the Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, a journal indexed in the Web of Science database.
We wish our students continued success.
We wish our students continued success.

The projects of sociology students Esra Öztürk, Esen Deniz Sayıklı and Sena Şevval Özbıyık were entitled to receive support within the scope of TÜBİTAK 2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Program.
Dr. Tolga Kobaş gave a conference titled "Competency, Merit, Loyalty: The Role and Importance of Enderûn-ı Hümâyûn in the Ottoman Empire" on 14 December 2021 at the ISU Congress Center. The conference prepared by Kobaş based on the thesis he completed at Columbia University was organized by the Department of Sociology.

Sociology department research assistant Burcu Sağlam Sarıkaya attended the "Istanbul, Music and History" program broadcast on TRT2.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ekrem Saltık's article "About the ‘Unknown’ Biography of Sebîlürreşâd’s Indian Correspondent S. M. Tawfiq" has been published in Bilig Journal of Social Sciences of the Turkish World

Our guest speaker Dr. İsmail Rojda Azizoğlu made a presentation titled "A Critique of Modernity: Jean-Jacques Rousseau" at Istinye University on 13.09.2018.

Assoc. Prof. Alev Erkilet, Sociology department faculty member, has taken a part in the first volume of a four-volume series titled “Against a Different Life: Issues, Concepts and Names in Islamist Journals After 1980,”
In the event organized by İstinye University Sociology Department, Dr. Ayça Yılmaz Deniz gave a talk titled “Working Experience in Turkey and the Issue of Becoming a Subject.”

Sociology Department Head Assis. Prof. Ömer Ersin Kahraman gave a presentation titled "La subjectivation et l’évidence de concurrence au travail. [The Manifestness of Becoming a Subject and Rivalry in the Workplace]”

Assoc. Prof. Alev Erkilet, Sociology department faculty member, has written a book chapter titled “The transformation of privacy: Headscarf practices becoming a subject of taste” in the book titled “Tastes: The Reflections of Social Transformation in Daily Life,” coming out of Nobel Yayıncılık.

On July 18, 2019, the Departments of Economics, Sociology and International Relations jointly organized a panel titled "Seeking an Alternative Economy". In the panel, Dr. Melik Ertuğrul, Dr. Çiğdem Gürsoy, Dr. Suat Eren Özyiğit and Sociology Department Head Dr. Ömer Ersin Kahraman made presentations.

Assoc. Dr. Alev Erkilet published an article titled "Is there a negative impact of the Islamic world in the formation of Islamophobia?" in the magazine of "Din ve Hayat" prepared by İstanbul Müftülüğü. A Panel entitled "Islamophobia or Hostility to Islam" organized for this special issue concerning Islamophobia. Erkilet was one of the panelists. The moderator of the panel was the Mufti of Istanbul, Prof. Dr. Hasan Kamil Yılmaz and other panelists were Dr. Ejder Okumus and Prof. Dr. Bayram Ali Çetinkaya. The panel was held at Üsküdar Municipality Bağlarbaşı Congress and Culture Center on June 26th at 14:30. Alev Erkilet made a speech about the emergence of the term Islamophobia and she evaluated Islamophobia as a form of stereotypical threat against Muslims. On the other hand, she drew attention to the relationship between Islamophobia and the internal affairs of the Islamic world.
You can reach the magazine and the full article on the website of the Istanbul Mufti Office:
You can reach the magazine and the full article on the website of the Istanbul Mufti Office: