Dr. Ezgi Ildırım Özcan from the Department of Psychology was entitled to support within the scope of TÜBİTAK 1002-C Natural Disasters Focused Field Study Emergency Support Program with the project titled "Screening of Psychological Well-Being of Earthquake Victims Taking Part in Rescue Efforts".

Play is a common language for children in all cultures. On the other hand, diversity of cultural features may influence the dynamics in play.

Vahide Ulusoy Gökçek, lecturer at Department of Psychology, addressed parents in Acıbadem Hasan Tan İlköğretim Okulu as a guest of Parents' Academy in November 12th. During her speech on "Psychological Problems and Undesirable Behaviors", she explained basic mental and developmental needs of school-age children, and their possible achievements when they embrace a secure social environment. She emphasized the importance of the communication between parents-teacher-counseling service triangle to prevent such mental problems and undesirable behaviors.

Vahide Ulusoy Gökçek, lecturer at Department of Psychology, gave a speech with title of "How can we protect our children from abuse?" in the Support Center For Family, Women and Disabled People, held by Municipality of Zeytinburnu. She mentioned the kinds of violence, and qualities of secure social environment. She highlighted the basic needs and rights of children, and also underlined that prevention from abuse starts at home and in the relationship with parent.

This talk which is conducted bu Departments of Psychology and Social Services, delivers a (social) psychological perspective on sexual violence. After (1) covering national and international prevalence rates of sexual violence, (2) measurement methods for assessing the occurrence of sexual violence are thematized. Then (3) causes (i.e., risk factors) and (4) consequences of sexual violence are addressed. Hereafter (5) own research on the effect of rape myth acceptance (i.e., attitudes toward sexual violence) on third party judgment of rape cases is presented. The talk finishes by (6) presenting various intervention strategies.

Prof. Rita Krespi Ülgen attended the 1st Istanbul Health Sciences Congress held on 21-22 June 2019 at Istinye University. Prof. Krespi Ülgen gave a seminar entitled "Stress: The Wind That Blows My Sail" in the "Mental Health" Panel moderated by Prof. Arzu Razak Özdinçler. In her speech, she discussed the positive and negative effects of stress and post-traumatic growth within the context of chronic physical illness.

Dr. Dicle DÖVENCİOĞLU gave “Perception of Materials” seminar which was conducted by Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, on 31th May at Topkapı Campus, Istinye University.

Meeting with Saadet Teacher was conducted with the participation of Prof. Dr. M. Rita KRESPİ, Dean of Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

Assistant Professor Nilüfer Ercan from Department of Psychology gave a seminar about “Child Abuse”.

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Istinye University, Prof. Dr. M. Rita Krespi talked about science of Psychology at Muğla Eket Fair.
“Child Abuse and Neglect” seminar was organized by the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Istinye University.