Dr. Dicle DÖVENCİOĞLU gave “Perception of Materials” seminar which was conducted by Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, on 31th May at Topkapı Campus, Istinye University.
In the seminar where the perception of the materials of the objects around us and the visual perception mechanisms of the brain’s processing of the properties of objects were discussed, it was emphasized that similar perception mechanisms are very important in tactile manner. Stating that it is easier to decide to take a shirt after touching the shirt that we like the color of and sensing its softness; Dicle DÖVENCİOĞLU shared her studies on surface materials of the objects with the students. Dr Dicle Dövencioğlu mentioned about her studies about perception of materials while explaining the results of her experiments on two matt and bright objects with identical shapes in detail.