Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

You Can Know Writing But Can You Write

The interview titled "You Can Know Writing But Can You Write" organized by Istinye University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Turkish Language and Literature took place at Istinye University Topkapi Campus on Wednesday, January 10 with the participation of Istinye University lecturer, writer, and poet A. Ali URAL.

Ali URAL explained in detail the basic elements that should be taken into consideration in the field of creative writing. "Literature makes everything that is used to be extraordinary" and drew attention to the ability of literature to renew human. Ali URAL, who says that originality, sincerity, and creation of text in thought are the most important points in creative writing, "How it is written, how it is not written is important. I'll point out the important points. My students learn how to write themselves" He emphasized the importance of capturing perspective with his words. Extending the limits of tolerance adds great advantages to the creative author Ali URAL, said that the thought stage is half of the act of writing.