He was born in Ünye in 1979. He completed his secondary education at Ünye Imam Hatip High School. He completed his undergraduate education in 19 Mayıs University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Turkish Language and Literature (2000); He completed his Master's (2004) and Doctorate (2009) education at Marmara University Institute of Turkic Studies. He became an associate professor in June 2013. He also worked as a teacher at the Ministry of Education for a while. Since June 2003, he has been working as a lecturer at Marmara University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Turkish Language and Literature. His published books are: Sosyal Meseleler Karşısında Aka Gündüz, Servet-i Fünun’dan Cumhuriyet’e Türk Edebiyatında Manzum Hikâye, İsmail Safa Mülâhazât-ı Edebiyye (Prepared), Sabahattin Ali’nin Eserlerinin Kaynakları Roman, Hikâye ve Şiirlerinde Biyografik Unsurlar, Şehre Yansıyan Medeniyet Edebiyata Yansıyan Şehir Yahya Kemal Beyatlı ve Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’ın Eserlerinde Şehir. He has publications in the following journals: Türkiyat Araştırmaları, Yeni Türk Edebiyatı Araştırmaları, Yeni Türk Edebiyatı, Erdem, TYB Akademi, Dergâh, Türk Edebiyatı, Granada, Turkish Studies, etc.
Araştırma Alanları
- New Turkish Literature
- Literature and the City
- Literature and Cinema
- Literature and Psychoanalysis
- Western Literature