Çalışma Alanları
- Filoloji Temel Alanı
- Dünya Dilleri ve Edebiyatları
- İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı
- Kadın Tarihinin Yeniden Yazılması ve Zehra TOSKA, 2020
- Sanat, Psikanaliz ve Şiddet: Beyaz Otel, 2016
- Orlando’xxyu Queer Okumak, 2014
- Fact and Fiction: Subverting Orientalism in Ann Bridge’s The Dark Moment”, 2013
- Kadınlar Şehri ve Nobel Ödülünün Cinsiyeti”, 2009
- Woolf, Plath ve Kane’de Delilik, Şiddet ve Ölümün Estetiği”, 2008
- “Feminizme Karşı Bir Feminizm İkonu: Kadın Deneyiminin Epik Ozanı Lessing”, 2007
- Geçmişin Mağarasına Işık Tutmak: Türk-Ermeni Yazınında Kimlik Arayışları”, 2007
- The Perennial Theme of ‘Innocence versus Experience’ in Malcolm Bradbury’s Fiction”, 1996
- Contending Identities in the Life and Works of Halide Edip in the Context of Transition from Empire to Republic,
- “Cumhuriyet'in 'Yabancı' Kadını: Halide Edip”, 2023
- The Curious Case of the Sultan and Sherlock Holmes: Crime Novel as the Voice of Ottoman Political Dissidence,
- Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği - Kadın Hakları,
- Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Yeni Kadınlık Algısı,
- Broken Dreams of a Safe Home in Andre Dubus’s House of Sand and Fog,
- Osmanlı’dan Günümüze Kadınlık Algısı,
- “We say that our nation is not a patriarchal or matriarchal nation, but a 'family-ruled' nation”: An Analysis of ESIK initiative as a Counter Backlash and Subversive Strategy in Contemporary Turkish Feminism,
- “Vampyric” Cultural Texts: Politics of Westernization and the Women’s Question in the Turkish Adaptations of Dracula,
- Transgressing the Boundary of Skin: Post-Pornmodernist Aesthetics in Film,
- Contact Zones: Remembrance and Haunted Houses of Time in Orhan Pamuk’s Fiction,
- The Sense of Belonging and Unbelonging in Halide Edip’s proto-feminist works in English,
- The impact of Enlightenment on Ottoman and Republican feminism and openness to the Other as reflected in the works of Turkish women writers,
- (Re)Reading Mishima Reading Sade: An Aesthetics of Transgressive Feminine Sexuality,
- The Figure of Mary Magdelene in Michèle Roberts’s The Wild Girl, 1993
- Palimpsestic Cultures, Hybridized Selves and The Politics of Hyphenated Spaces in The Moor’s Last Sigh, 1995
- Denial of the Body: The Rossettis in the Victorian Context”,, 1995
- “Lessing’s Myth Making: Fantasy as Metaphor for and Alternative to Reality”, 1996
- .“Pinteresque Humor”,
- Black American and Chinese American Woman Novelists: Struggle Against Gender and Ethnic Backgrounds”,
- .“Skin, Violence and Death in Perfume”,
- “In Search of New Stylistic Approaches: The Alternatives Created by Two Feminist, Postmodernist Writers,
- Expansion of the Cannon: The Situation of the English Departments in Turkey,
- Passing as the ‘Other’ to Explore Racism: The Pitfalls and Potential of a Dangerous Game”,
- Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber,
- Julian Barnes’ A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters as Historiographic Metafiction”,
- Shahmaran: The Great Goddess Survives,
- “Reconstituting Identities: Nationalism or Islam?, 2002
- “An image is an image is an image…: Fetishized Texts, Cyborg Identities, and Hyper-desire in J. Winterson’s The PowerBook”,
- “Otobiyografik Ermeni Yazınında Kültürel Kimlik Arayışları”, 2003
- Assaulting The Skin as New Aesthetics: Hyperviolence in ‘Dans Ma Peau’ and Skin Game”,
- Transgressing the Boundary of Skin: Post-Pornmodenist Aesthetic in Film”,
- Fahamettin Akıngüç ve Cumhuriyet Değerleriyle Yetişmek, ISBN: 9786258180367, 2024
- The English Renaissance: A Tribute to Professor Cevza Sevgen, ISBN: , 2013
- Textos e Leituras: Estudos Empíricos de Língua e Literatura., ISBN: , 2007
- Başkaldıran Bedenler: Türkiye’de Transgender, Aktivizm ve Alt kültürel Pratikler,, ISBN: 13 978-975-342-255-0, 2013