Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Zeynep Berik, Apple Editorial Writer and Content Creator, Will Be the Guest of the Career Talks by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Zeynep Berik, Apple Editorial Writer and Content Creator, will be the guest of "Career Talks by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences". You are invited to the online event on 22.03.2023.

Zoom ID: 998 8735 7893
Zoom Pass: 798828

Zeynep Berik's Professional Background:

She completed her Bachelor's degree in American Culture Literature at Hacettepe University and her Master's degree in Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design at Sabancı University. She worked as a video, short film and magazine editor and a copywriter for various agencies. After working as the editor-in-chief of the art magazine at Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair, she has been working as a writer and content creator for Apple Turkey Retail since 2014.